Contact Us


Bailandos is classed as a mid-price service

I like to discuss your requirements and deliver the music and lighting effects that you want. Clearly, if you are looking for the cheapest possible provider, then you will have to accept that there won't be all the songs you or your guests require. 

I also like to agree what announcements you need made and when or when someone is going to need a microphone. 

The lighting is spot lamps that change with the music, and create a colour wash. They are set up in such as way that they aren't part of the DJ rig and are either up above the dancers pointed down to light the floor or to light the ceiling. We believe this creates a very warm lighting effect without 'blinding' dancers which can happen with low level lights

Children's Party 2 hours - £125-£200

Evening Function 4-5 Hours evening - £175-£300

Weddings evening - £200-£400

Prices will vary based on location, actual timings, equipment required.


Additional Equipment Subject to agreement

Projector & DVD, Effects lighting, smoke machine, strobe lighting, microphone (cord or wireless)


Additional Requirements? Contact us

Last modified: July 30, 2014